Coaxing Out The Inner Hermit, October 8

In the following three talks we will demonstrate that we can take the skills which make us excellent teachers and trainers - such as the ability to engage people, the ability to give clear explanations and the ability to structure content - and to tweak these both to attract the “right” students and to engage […]

Teaching Languages with Evidence-Based Techniques

We know that quite a number of you were disappointed when we had to postpone our online workshop with Russ Mayne last June. Well, here’s some bit of good news: We now have it scheduled for 08 October from 10:00 am – 12:30 pm. And that’s just around the corner from now. Russ will be […]

From newsroom to classroom

Zoom München, Deutschland

Whether you’re teaching online or in the classroom, speaking to large groups or one to one, how you deliver your message influences your audience’s engagement, interest and understanding. Covering topics such as appearance, technology, body language, content and voice, this hands-on workshop provides you with practical tips to help you shine in the spotlight. To […]

Canva for beginners

Zoom München, Deutschland

The aim of this workshop is to get an insight into the basics of using Canva and a few other software solutions useful for teachers. Creating, editing and collaborating are some of the topics we will work on in order to get the best out of this teaching software. No previous knowledge or experience with […]