Project Management Tools for ESL Professionals: A Glimpse behind the Agile Curtain

In this workshop, we’ll be differentiating between the concepts of an agile mindset and tools that support an agile approach. In particular, we’ll be focussing on micro-structures and facilitation techniques you can add to your own toolbox as an ESL professional. As always, being selective in the tools you integrate into your professional toolkit is […]

5 things learners need to know about a word!

OUP author and teacher trainer, Julie Moore, will examine the importance of improving not only the range but also the depth of students' academic word knowledge. We'll also take a look at the new Q Skills for Success Third Edition which incorporates the Oxford Phrasal Academic Lexicon (OPAL) and the Oxford 3000 and 5000 wordlists. […]

Academic Writing with ELTA-Rhine

We begin with a roundtable moderated by Khanh-Duc Kuttig, followed by two workshops - Nigel Caplan at 15:00 and Dorothy Zemach at 17:00. Click here to find out more and register.

HELTA at 40

Join HELTA in their celebrations! There is an amazing line up of plenaries, discussion, talk and breakout sessions throughout the day. Click here to find out more and register.

Reduce, reuse, recycle

An ELTA Rhine online workshop with Laura Edwards. For more information and to register, click here.